Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2013

Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Costumes: DLC

Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Costumes: DLC

sf4: Akuma - Ken - Ryu


1. c.LP x 2, c.LK, c.MK, Fireball
2. c.MK, LK Hurricane Kick, Shoryuken
3. c.LP x 2, st.LP, c.HK
4. c.MK, Fireball
5. Dive Kick, any combo
6. Crossup air Hurricane, c.HK
7. Crossup air LP Fireball, if it hits -> any combo
8. st.HK (2 hits), c.MP, LK Hurricane, HP Shoryuken
9. HP Shoryuken (2 hits) xx FADC, HP Red Fireball

10. opponent in corner: EX Fireball, HP Shoryuken or
EX Hurricane, HP Shoryuken

11. opponent in corner: Jump in HP, st.HP, HP Fireball xx FADC, c.MP, st.HP,
LK Hurricane, HP Shoryuken

Crouching Medium Punch, Crouching Medium Punch
Crouching Medium Kick or Punch, Hadouken
Crouching Medium Kick or Punch, Hadouken, FADC, Crouching Heavy Kick
Crouching Medium Punch, Hurricane Kick
Crouching Light Punch, Crouching Medium Punch, Light Hurricane Kick, Heavy Dragon Punch
Far Standing Heavy Kick, Crouching Light or Medium Punch, Light Hurricane Kick, Heavy Dragon Punch
Crouching Heavy Punch, Dragon Punch
... Light Hurricane Kick, Heavy Dragon Punch
... Light Hurricane Kick, Light Dragon Punch, FADC, Multi-Hit Hadouken


When talking about Akuma, you are sure to hear about the "Vortex". This technique involves knocking the opponent down and making them guess against an overhead attack (jump-in, dive-kick etc), a low attack (c.LK, c.HK), an empty jump whiff (which leads into a low or a throw), and many other advanced options, which come after the opponent understands how to deal with the first set of mix-ups.

The easiest (and primary) way to initiate the Vortex is from QCB+LK into c.HK (sweep). The sweep is untechable and puts you in a great position to start your Vortex options. However, QCB+LK, c.HK does not work on all characters. This is why you may hear that the "Vortex" doesn't work on certain characters. In fact, the initial (easy) setup doesn't work, but all the options still all work if you can knockdown with a sweep.

If you knock down the opponent with a sweep normally, or a crossup air Hurricane Kick and juggle with sweep, all of the options become available on any character. Just keep in mind that you cannot sweep after a QCB+LK on all characters, so adjust your strategies accordingly.

Here is a list of characters that QCB+LK, c.HK works on and doesn't work on:

[YES] Akuma, Boxer, Cammy, Chun-Li, Claw (Vega), Dan, Dhalsim, Fei Long, Gouken, Guile, Honda, Rose, Sagat, Seth, Viper, Zangief

[NO] Abel, Blanka, Dictator (Bison), Fuerte, Gen, Ken, Rufus, Ryu

Combos that end in a Vortex setup are highlighted in red.


This section is for match combos and the little subtleties about them that you should know. While these combos may not be the absolute best damage, they are consistent (especially if playing online). Some of these combos will be repeated below in the "Normal Combos" section. The goal here is to quickly outline the foundation of Akuma combos so that people can jump right in and have something to use right out of the gate and things to work on for each scenario.

Starting combos with c.LK lessens the damage, even compared to starting with c.LP. However, since it's fast and hits low, it's usually a good opener. Keep in mind that many of these combos do quite a bit more damage and stun if you start with just the c.MP instead of the c.LK-c.LP opener.

In many cases, c.MP -> QCB+LK will whiff (try c.MP, c.MP ->: QCB+LK against Blanka). This is also evident in combos that use HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK. On some characters it will completely whiff. If you substitute c.LP -> QCB+LK instead, most of the time the Hurricane Kick will connect. Keep that in mind, especially when trying combos against Blanka (who seems to avoid c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCB+LK combos).

[0] 221 (370): c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCB+LK, c.HK
[0] 269 (370): c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
[0] 258 (460): HP(c) -> QCB+LK, c.HK (can also use c.HP to start)
[0] 322 (460): HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP (can also use c.HP to start)
[2] 379 (600): HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP (can also use c.HP to start)
[2] 355 (650): HP(c) -> QCF+HP -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, c.HK
[2] 403 (650): HP(c) -> QCF+HP -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
[0] 148 (250): c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCF+P
[1] 190 (320): c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCF+PP
[1] 246 (355): c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCB+KK
[2] 310 (520): c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCF+P -> FADC, c.MP -> QCB+LK, c.HK
[2] 334 (520): c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCF+P -> FADC, c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
[0] 313 (520): HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, c.HK
[0] 369 (520): HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
[2] 417 (640): HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP
[2] 426 (711): HK(f), c.MP -> QCF+P -> FADC, HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, c.HK
[0] 303 (520): j.HK, c.MP -> QCB+LK, c.HK
[0] 359 (520): j.HK, c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
[2] 407 (640): j.HK, c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP
[2] 430 (720): j.HK, c.MP, c.MP -> QCF+P -> FADC, HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, c.HK
[2] 454 (720): j.HK, c.MP, c.MP -> QCF+P -> FADC, HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
[0] 242 (385): DP+K,K (Dive Kick), c.LP-c.LP, c.LP -> QCB+LK, c.HK
[0] 282 (385): DP+K,K (Dive Kick), c.LP-c.LP, c.LP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
[0] 303 (520): DP+K,K (Dive Kick), HP(c) -> QCB+LK, c.HK
[0] 359 (520): DP+K,K (Dive Kick), HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
[2] 407 (640): DP+K,K (Dive Kick), HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, DP+HP
[2] 425 (680): DP+K,K (Dive Kick), HP(c) -> QCF+P -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, c.HK
[2] 425 (680): DP+K,K (Dive Kick), HP(c) -> QCF+P -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
[2] 361 (570): (air) QCF+PP, HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, c.HK
[2] 409 (570): (air) QCF+PP, HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
[0] 292 (360): MP+MK (full), DP+HP
[2] 349 (500): MP+MK (full), DP+LP, FADC, HCB+HP
[0] 335 (550): MP+MK (full), dash, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, c.HK
[0] 383 (550): MP+MK (full), dash, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
[2] 422 (650): MP+MK (full), dash, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP
[2] 401 (680): MP+MK (full), dash, HP(c) -> QCF+P -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, c.HK
[2] 433 (680): MP+MK (full), dash, HP(c) -> QCF+P -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
[0] 564: MP+MK (full), dash, LP,LP,b,LK,HP (Ultra)

Ultra setups:
1. st.HP, Teleport quickly into Ultra 2


1. j.HK, c.HK
2. c.LP x 2, st.LP, c.HK
3. c.MP x 2, c.HK
4. c.LP x 3, c.MK, Fireball or EX Fireball
5. F (5 °F = -15 °C) + HP, c.HP, Shoryuken
6. j.HP, c.MK, Fireball or Hurricane Kick
7. c.MK xx Fireball or Super
8. air-to-air: j.MP, land, Super
9. any anti-air Shoryuken trade and Ryu is on the ground, EX Fireball
10. Cross up air Hurricane Kick xx Super
11. opponent in corner: c.MP x2, c.HP, LK Hurricane, HP Shoryuken

cr.LK, cr.LP, Link cr.MP xx H Hadouken
cr.MP, Link cr.MK xx H Hadouken
cr.MP, Link cr.HP xx H Hurricane Kick
cr.LP, cr.LP, st.LP Link cr.HK
Solar Plexus, Link HP Shoryuken
j.HK, cr.MP, Link cr.HP xx H Shoryuken
cr.MP xx Hadouken xx FA xx Dash forward, cr.MP, Link cr.HP xx H Hurricane Kick
M Shoryuken xx FA, dash forward, Ultra 1
cr.MK xx EX Hadouken xx FA, dash forward, Ultra 1

Crouching Light Punch, Standing Light Punch, Standing Light Punch, Crouching Heavy Kick ( 147 damage, 210 stun )
Crouching Medium Punch, Crouching Medium Punch, Crouching Heavy Kick ( 192 damage, 280 stun )
Jump-in Heavy Kick, Crouching Medium Kick, Medium Hurricane Kick ( 248 damage, 460 stun )
Crouching Medium Punch, Crouching Medium Punch, Crouching Medium Kick, Medium Hurricane Kick ( 245 damage, 420 stun )
Solar Plexus Strike, Crouching Heavy Punch, EX Hurricane Kick ( 338 damage, 460 stun )
Crouching Light Punch, Crouching Light Punch, Heavy Dragon Punch ( 180 damage, 260 stun )
Solar Plexus Strike, Dragon Punch ( 270 damage, 300 stun )
Crouching Medium Kick, Fireball ( 120 damage, 200 stun )
Dragon Punch, FADC First Hit, Metsu Hadouken ( 398 damage, 150 stun )
Crouching Medium Kick, EX Fireball, FADC, Metsu Hadouken ( 393 damage, 200 stun )
EX Fireball, Metsu Hadouken [Corner Only] ( 364 damage, 100 stun )
Level 2 or 3 Focus Attack, Metsu Shoryuken
Dragon Punch, FADC First Hit, Metsu Shoryuken

- cr.LPx3, cr.MK xx Hadoken 152/270
- cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.HP xx HK Tatsu 206/400
- cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.HP xx LK tatsu, MP SRK (corner only) 222/430
- SPS, cr.LP, cr.HP xx LK tatsu, MP SRK (corner only) 292/480
- SPS, cr.HP xx LP SRK, land, Shinku hadoken (super) 470/460
- cr.MP, cr.MP, cr.HK 192/280
- cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.HP xx EX Tatsu, U1 (corner only) 419/400
-cr.MK xx Fireball, FADC cr.HK 192/280
-cr.MK xx Fireball, FADC, cr.MK xx HK Tatsu 252/420
-cr.MK xx Fireball, FADC, cr.HP xx LK tatsu, MP SRK (corner only) 292/530
-cr.MK xx Fireball, FADC, cr.HP xx EX Tatsu, U1 (corner only) 489/500
-SRK, FADC, U1 398/150
-cr.MK xx EX Fireball, U1 (corner only) 393/200
-cr.MK xx EX Fireball, FADC U1 393/200
-SPS, cr.HP xx HP SRK 300/460
-SPS, cr.HP xx HP SRK, FADC, U1 487/420
-SPS, cr.HP xx EX Tatsu, U1 (corner only) 535/460
-cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.LP, cr.HK 137/210

Ultra setups:
1. Level 3 FA, F + HP, Shoryuken xx FADC, Ultra 1
2. opponent in corner: EX Fireball, Ultra 1
3. opponent in corner: EX Hurricane, Ultra 1
4. c.MK, Fireball xx FADC, Ultra 2
5. c.MK, EX Fireball xx FADC, Ultra 1
6. air-to-air: j.MP, land, Ultra 1


1. Crossup j.MK, c.LP x 3, Shoryuken
2. j.HK, c.HK
3. c.MK xx Fireball
4. c.LP x 2, st.LP, EX Hurricane
5. j.HK, c.MK, EX Hurricane
6. MP, HP xx Shoryuken (use on standing opponents)
7. Cross up air Hurricane Kick, c.MK, Hurricane Kick
8. any anti-air Shoryuken trade and Ken is on the ground,
EX Fireball or Shoryuken

cr.LK, cr.LP, Link cr.LP xx H Shoryuken
cr.LP, st.LP, Link cr.MK xx H Hurricane Kick
cr.LP, Link cr.HP xx EX Hurricane Kick
cr.LP, cr.LP, Link cr.MK xx EX Hadouken
st.HK xx H Hurricane Kick
j.HK, Target Combo xx H Shoryuken
st.LP, Link cr.HP xx Hadouken xx FA, Dash forward, cr.MP xx H Shoryuken
H Shoryuken xx FA, dash forward, Ultra 1
cr.MK xx Hadouken xx FA, dash forward, Ultra 2 Only works on standing opponents.
cr.LP, cr.LP, st.LP, Link cr.HK
Shoryuken xx FA, dash forward, EX Aerial Hurricane Kick, juggle Ultra 1 (corner)
Crouching Light Punch or Kick, Crouching Light Punch, Standing Light Punch, Heavy Dragon Punch
Crouching Light Punch or Kick, Crouching Light Punch, Standing Light Punch, Crouching Medium Kick cancel into EX Tatsumaki
.. Heavy Dragon Punch, FADC Second Hit, Ultra 1
Crouching Light Punch or Kick, Crouching Light Punch, Standing Light Punch, Ultra 2

Ultra setups:
1. 2nd or 3rd hit of HP Shoryuken xx FADC, Ultra 1
2. Fireball xx FADC, Ultra 2
3. c.LP x 2, st.LP, Ultra 2

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Gamefaq SF4 FAQ:(

1. c.LK x 2, EX Lightning Kick
2. c.LP x 2, st.LP, st.HP
3. j.HP, c.HP (1st hit) xx Spinning Bird Kick
4. c.MK xx Super
5. air-to-air: j.HP, land, EX Lightning or Spinning Bird Kick
Ultra setups:
1. c.LK x 2, EX Lightning Kick, Ultra 2
2. opponent near wall: c.LK x 2, EX Lightning Kick, Ultra 1
3. j.HP (2-hits), Ultra 1 or 2
4. opponent near wall: EX Spinning Bird Kick, Ultra 1 or 2
5. anti-air: DF + LK, Ultra 2

1. c.HP (2-hits), LP Shoryuken, Head Stomps into Dive Kick
2. c.LP X2, c.MP, Multi Kicks
3. j.HK, st.HP, Multi Kicks
4. c.HP (2-hits), Multi Kicks
5. opponent in corner: c.MP or st.HP, Multi Kicks, Head Stomps into Dive Kick
6. air-to-air: j.MP (2-hits), Head Stomps into Dive Kick

Ultra setups:
1. opponent in corner: any combo that ends with Multi Kicks, Ultra 2
2. air-to-air: j.MP (2-hits), Ultra 2
3. Shoryuken xx FADC, Ultra 2
4. EX Shoryuken, Ultra 2

1. c.MK, Low Tiger Shot
2. c.LK x2, c.LP, Uppercut
3. anti-air: F + HK x 2
4. j.HK, c.MK, Uppercut
5. c.MP, c.LP, EX Low Tiger Shot
6. c.LK x2, c.MP, HP Uppercut
7. opponent in corner: anti-air: LK Tiger Knee x 2
8. Jump in HP or HK, st.MP, LK Low Tiger Shot xx FADC, st.MP, HK Tiger Knee
Ultra setups:
1. EX Uppercut, Ultra 1
2. anti-air: F + HK, Ultra 1 or 2
3. opponent in corner: EX Low Tiger Shot, Ultra 1 or 2
4. any FADC combo with Uppercut, Ultra 1 or 2
5. anti-air: any Uppercut trade while your in the ground, F + HK, Ultra 1 or 2

1. c.MK, Spiral Arrow
2. j.HP, st.HP, Cannon Spike
3. Cannon Strike, c.LK, c.LP x 2, Spiral Arrow
4. Cannon Spike xx FADC, Cannon Spike
5. Far D + HP, c.MK, Spiral Arrow
6. Crossup j.LK, st.MP, c.MK, Spiral Arrow

Ultra setups:
1. Cannon Spike xx FADC (Backwards), Ultra 1
2. Jump in HP or HK, Ultra 1
3. LP Spin Knuckle, Ultra 1

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Chun-Li BNB
dLK, dLK, EXLEGS (5, 156) ULTRA2
dLK, dLP, dLP, LP, HP
dLK > dLP > dMK xx HP BALL
dLK > dLP > clLP > fLP > fHP (whiffs on some crouching characters)
dLK > dLK xx EXLEGS - Bread and Butter Combo
dLK > dLP > dMK xx EXLEGS
dLK > dLP > st.LP > fHP > Super

dLP, dLP, LP, HP (4, 146)
dLP, dLP, dLP, HP
dLP, dLP, HP

dHP xx HK Legs ~ MK Legs > Super
dHP xx HK Legs ~ MK Legs > dHK


clHK xx LK LEGS > S.LP > S.HP (whiffs on some crouching characters)
clHK xx LK Legs > EXLEGS

FLIP > Super
FLIP > C.LK > EXLEGS (if only the tip of FLIP hits, C.LK won't reach)
FLIP > dLP > fHP

b+MK > MK > D-U+MK > Ultra 1 (in the corner) or Ultra 2 (anywhere)
MP xx EXLEGS (aka Swedish Firecracker)

jHP2, dHP, MBIRD (10, 279)
j.HP x2 > dHP xx MK SBK
j.HP > dHP xx MK SBK > Super
j.HP x2 > Ultra 1 (not enough time for Ultra 2)
cross jLK, LP, LK, LK, EXLEGS
Air-to-air j.HP > Ultra 1 (in the corner) or Ultra 2 (anywhere)
Air-to-air J.FP > Land > Headstomp x 3 (depending on where the opponent falls in relative position to Chun, you may need to move forward before jumping again)
Anti-air df+LK > EXLEGS > Ultra 2 (Ultra 1 also possible in the corner if you start charging early)

dLP -> dLP, dLK, dMK, clMP, fLP, fHP (only against certain characters), clHP, clHK
dLK -> dLP, dLK
dMK -> dLP, dLK
LK/MK LEGS -> dLP, fLP, dMK (only on standing opponents)
EXLEGS Safejump

Block String

- st.HP if they're far away
- st.MK if they're close (far MK has a pretty high angle, close MK hits right above so as long as they're even moderately close I'll use it)
- st.HK if I think they're about to jump

jFP, FP2/Throw/dLK/FLIP
FOCUS2 Blocked -> FLIP
dLK, dLK, Throw
The trick to doing the FLIP into the Super is to delay the input of the :hk: for the FLIP. Wait about 1 second after doing :f::df::d::db::b: before you hit :hk: and that will give you enough charge time during the move to land the super. The super can only be activated after you see that blue streak disappear from Chun's foot.

jhk crlk crlp crmk H BALL 0:44
jhk crlp sthk HBALL 0:49
jhk crlp sthp H BALL 0:55
jhk crlp stmp H BALL 1:00
jhk crlp crlp crlp stlp sthp 1:05
jhk sthk H LL1:11
jhk crlp sthk H LL 1:17
jhk crmk H LLM LL sthp 1:22
jhk crhp M SBK 1:29

jfhp 2hits jf 3x overheadstomp 1:37 (air to air)
FLIP crlp sthp 1:51

crhp H LL crlp crlp sthp 2:05
crhp H LL M LL crlp stlp sthp 2:11
crhp H LL M LL crhk 2:18
crhp H LL M LL crhp H BALL 2:23
crhp H LL M LL crhp H LL M LL crhp H BALL 2:30





Check Damage:
Old damage = 90
New version = 60 - 120 (mashed after first hit_

Old damage = 120
New damage = 60 - 120 (mashed after first hit)

Old damage = 120
New damage = 60 - 120 (mashed after first hit)

EXLEGS (will now hit full on all chars * for full damage
Old - 160
New - 120

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'The Rule of 5'. This is something a redditor posted in r/askreddit a few months ago. I've had huge success with it since then. : GetMotivated

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